My text FLUMEN published in the catalogue of „Wobec Wody” festival, Poznań, Poland
(Oct 2024)
Works from the Riverbeds series at a group show „Warta. Ćwiczenia z Wyobraźni”, Galeria Śluza, Poznań, PL, curated by Michał Kępski
(Oct 2024- Feb 2025)
A Beast of no Burden a solo show at
Chiang Mai City Arts and Cultural Centre, Chiang Mai, Thailand
(Oct 2024)
Riverbeds a solo outdoor presentation, Przystań Sztuki, Concordia Design, Poznań, PL
(July-Sept 2024)
Riverbeds_Forces of Flow a solo show in BWA SIC! Wroclaw, PL
Curated by Tuce Erel
(28th June-25th August 2024)
Curator guided tour:
Talking about my art practice with Kamila Kobierzyńska for Poznań Art Week
Riverbeds_working River at a group show „Te wszystkie rozczulenia”, Galeria Centrala, Poznań , PL
during Poznań Art Week
with Aneta Grzeszykowska, Ewa Kulesza, Kamila Kobierzyńska, Anna Orłowska, curated by Kamila Kobierzyńska
(April-May 2024)
Auf dieser Insel gibt es keinen Wind
presented in the Polish Institute in Berlin
(Dec 2023-Jan 2024)
the Riverbeds_working River
presented at the Taboo-Transgression-Transcendence in Art & Science 2023 conference in Malta, organized by the Ionian University, hosted by the Malta Society of Arts
(Sept 2023)
the Riverbeds_working River
in CSW Łaźnia, Gdańsk, Poland (3 Feb – 7th April 2023)
Artist in residence
with Apollonia European Art Exchanges, the city of Strasbourg and CSW Łaźnia, Strasbourg, France (October-December 2022)
Plantae Malum & Repository of Life
presented at FEMeeting conference, Evora, Portugal (12th-17th Sept 2022)
Herbarium from the Edge (from the Riverbeds series)
group show, Bandung Photography Triennale, Indonesia (8th Sept till 8th Dec)
Plantae Malum
group show, Galeria Szewska 16, Poznań, PL (6th till 29th April 2022)
Plantae Malum
solo show, Krupa Gallery, Wrocław, PL (25th March till 6th May 2022)
Plantae Malum
solo show, Galeria PF, Centrum Kultury ZAMEK, Poznań, PL (6th Nov till 9th Jan 2022)
Kwiaciarnia/ The Florist
a two-day residency & exhibition preceded by research, presented during Malta festival, Poznań, PL (June 2021)
supported by the Scholarship of the Marshal of the Wielkopolska Region in the field of culture for 2021
A Beast of No Burden
in Selasar Sunaryo Art Space in Indonesia during an international photography festival Bandung Photo Showcase (Jan 2021)
Hætta – on the edge of a disaster
presented during an international conference Taboo-Transgression-Transcendence in Art&Science 2020 organized by University of Applied Arts Vienna and Ionian University, Corfu, Greece (Nov 2020)
A Beast of No Burden
presented during the „Invasion of the Lens: Culture Resistance and Aesthetics” show in Soemardia Gallery during an international photography festival Bandung Photo Showcase, Indonesia (Nov 2020)
A Beast of No Burden
presented in the „I’ll be your image” show during an international photography festival TIFF, Wroclaw, Poland (Sept 2020)
Artist in residence
with NeNa Contemporary Artspace in Chiang Mai, Thailand (Nov 2019-March 2020)
„A beautiful catastrophe. An aesthetic catharsis.”
during „The phenomenon of suffering” conference, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan, Poland (Dec 2018)
Artist in residence
with Extantaion in Chiang Mai, Thailand (Oct 2018)
Artist in residence
with The Unifiedfield / el campo unificado in Castillo de Castellar de la Frontera, Spain (Nov 2017)
Earthworks (III)
presented at „lAbiRynt” festival in Frankfurt (Oder), Germany (Oct 2017)
„Sacrum intolerandus: Colonial Transgressions”
published in: TABOO ‒ TRANSGRESSION ‒ TRANSCENDENCE, in Art & Science; Proceedings of Interdisciplinary Conference Ionian University | Department of Audio and Visual Arts (2017) (pages: 497-521)
White Phantom Isles
presented at CONTROL-EXPERIMENT exhibition (curated by Dehlia Hannah) during CONTROL conference organized by the European Society for Science, Literature and the Arts, Stockholm, Sweden (June 2016)
Sacrum Intolerandus
presented during CONTROL international conference organized by the European Society for Science, Literature and the Arts, Stockholm, Sweden (June 2016)
Earthworks and Black Phantom Isles
awarded an Honorary Mention at EMBARRAT – Festival of Contemporary Creation, Tarrega, Spain, (May 2016)
Sacrum Intolerandus. Colonial transgressions.
presentation at TABOO – TRANSGRESSION – TRANSCENDENCE in Art & Science conference, Ionian University, Corfu, Greece, (May 2016)
Sacrum Intolerandus
presented during an international conference STRATA : Art & Science collaborations in the Anthropocene, organized by Aberystwyth University, Wales, UK (Jan 2016)
Sacrum Intolerandus
individual show in CK Zamek, Poznan, Poland (June 2015)
Absent Images
during „Catherdal” exhibition in CK Zamek, Poznan, Poland (April 2015)
The Observatory
individual show in Wieża Ciśnień Gallery, Konin, Poland (April 2015)
Mój tekst FLUMEN opublikowany w katalogu 7. Wielkopolskiego Festiwalu Fotografii im. Ireneusza Zjeżdżałki „Wobec Wody”, Poznań, Poland
(październik 2024)
Prace z serii the Riverbeds prezentowane podczas wystawy grupowej „Warta. Ćwiczenia z Wyobraźni”, Galeria Śluza, Poznań, PL, kurator Michał Kępski
(październik 2024- luty 2025)
A Beast of no Burden wystawa indywidualna w
Chiang Mai City Arts and Cultural Centre, Chiang Mai, Tajlandia
(październik 2024)
Riverbeds indywidualna prezentacja w Przystani Sztuki, we współpracy z Concordia Design, Poznań, PL
(lipiec-sierpień 2024)
Riverbeds_Forces of Flow wystawa indywidualna w BWA SIC! Wrocław, PL
Kuratorka Tuce Erel
(28 czerwca-25 sierpnia 2024)
Oprowadzanie kuratorskie:
O the Riverbeds_Working River i innych projektach
W rozmowie z Kamilą Kobierzyńską dla Poznań Art Week
Riverbeds_working River prezentowane na wystawie grupowej „Te wszystkie rozczulenia”, Galeria Centrala, Poznań , PL
W ramach Poznań Art Week
z Aneta Grzeszykowska, Ewa Kulesza, Kamila Kobierzyńska, Anna Orłowska, kuratorka Kamila Kobierzyńska
(kwiecień – maj 2024)
Na tej wyspie nie ma wiatru
na wystawie „Berliner Zimmer” w Instytucie Polskim w Berlinie
(grudzień 2023-styczeń 2024)
Plantae Malum
w artykule Marianny Michałowskiej w Śląskich Studiach Polonistycznych
the Riverbeds_working River
prezentowane podczas konferencji Taboo-Transgression-Transcendence in Art & Science 2023 na Malcie, organizacja: Uniwersytet Joński, współpraca: Malta Society of Arts
(wrzesień 2023)
the Riverbeds_working River/Rzeka pracująca
w CSW Łaźnia, Gdańsk (3 lutego -7 kwietnia 2023)
Rezydencja artystyczna
z Apollonia European Art Exchanges, miasto Strasbourg, CSW Łaźnia, Strasbourg, Francja (październik-grudzień 2022)
Plantae Malum & Repository of Life
prezentacja podczas konferencji FEMeeting , Evora, Portugalia (12-17 września 2022)
Herbarium from the Edge (z serii Riverbeds )
na Bandung Photography Triennale, Indonezja (8 września – 8 grudnia)
Plantae Malum
na wystawie „Królestwo”, Galeria Szewska 16, Poznań (6- 29 kwietnia 2022)
Plantae Malum
wystawa indywidualna, Krupa Gallery, Wrocław (25 marca – 6 maja 2022)
Plantae Malum
w „Kulturze u Podstaw” w rozmowie z Michałem Sitą i Wojtkiem Luchowskim (grudzień 2021)
Plantae Malum
wystawa indywidualna, Galeria PF, Centrum kultury ZAMEK, Poznań ( 6.11.2021 do 9.01 2022)
dwudniowa rezydencja i wystawa poprzedzona researchem w ramach Generatora Malta; prezentowana na Festiwalu Malta, Park Wieniawskiego Poznań (czerwiec 2021),174612,27212032,trzeba-dac-ludziom-uswiadomic-sobie-niezbednosc-natury-w-naszym.html
wsparte Stypendium Marszałka Województwa Wielkopolskiego w dziedzinie kultury na rok 2021
A Beast of No Burden
w Selasar Sunaryo Art Space w Indonezji w ramach międzynarodowego festiwalu fotografii Bandung Photo Showcase (styczeń 2021)
A Beast of No Burden
w „Kulturze u Podstaw” w rozmowie z Marią Krześlak-Kandziorą (grudzień 2020)
Hætta – on the edge of a disaster
na międzynarodowej konferencji Taboo-Transgression-Transcendence in Art&Science 2020 organizowanej przez University of Applied Arts w Wiedniu i Uniwersytet Joński na Korfu (listopad 2020)
A Beast of No Burden
na wystawie „Invasion of the Lens: Culture Resistance and Aesthetics” w Soemardia Gallery podczas międzynarodowego festiwalu fotografii Bandung Photo Showcase w Indonezji (listopad 2020)
A Beast of No Burden
na wystawie „Będę Twoim Obrazem” na Międzynarodowym Festiwalu Fotografii TIFF (wrzesień 2020)
Rezydencja artystyczna
we współpracy z NeNa Contemporary Artspace w Chiang Mai, Tajlandia (listopad 2019 – marzec 2020)
„Piękna katastrofa. Estetyczne katharsis”
artykuł pokonferencyjny „Fenomen Cierpienia” wydany przez Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM (2019)
„Piękna katastrofa. Estetyczne katharsis”
na konferencji „Fenomen Cierpienia” organizowanej przez Centrum Badań im. Edyty Stein UAM we współpracy badawczej z Uniwersytetem Medycznym im. Karola Marcinkowskiego i Szpitalem Klinicznym Przemienienia Pańskiego w Poznaniu (grudzień 2018)
Rezydencja artystyczna
we współpracy z Extantaion w Chiang Mai, Tajlandia (październik 2018)
Rezydencja artystyczna
we współpracy z The Unifiedfield / el campo unificado w Castillo de Castellar de la Frontera, Hiszpania (listopad 2017)
Earthworks (III)
na Festiwalu Nowej Sztuki „lAbiRynt” we Frankfurcie (Oder) (październik 2017)
„Sacrum intolerandus: Colonial Transgressions”
artykuł prokonferencyjny opublikowany w: TABOO ‒ TRANSGRESSION ‒ TRANSCENDENCE, in Art & Science; Proceedings of Interdisciplinary Conference Ionian University | Department of Audio and Visual Arts (2017) (pages: 497-521)
White Phantom Isles
na wystawie CONTROL-EXPERIMENT towarzyszącej konferencji CONTROL organizowanej przez the European Society for Science, Literature and the Arts, Sztokholm, Szwecja (czerwiec 2016)
Sacrum Intolerandus
na konferencji CONTROL organizowanej przez the European Society for Science, Literature and the Arts, Sztokholm, Szwecja (czerwiec 2016)
Earthworks & Black Phantom Isles
wyróżnione przez jury festiwalu EMBARRAT – Festival of Contemporary Creation, Tarrega, Hiszpania, (maj 2016)
Sacrum Intolerandus. Colonial transgressions.
na międzynarodowej konferencji TABOO – TRANSGRESSION – TRANSCENDENCE in Art & Science, organizowanej przez Ionian University, Corfu, Grecja (maj 2016)
Sacrum Intolerandus
na międzynarodowej konferencji STRATA : Art & Science collaborations in the Anthropocene, organizowanej przez Aberystwyth University, Walia, UK (styczeń 2016)
Sacrum Intolerandus
wystawa indywidualna w CK Zamek, Poznań (czerwiec 2015)
Obrazy Nieobecne
na wystawie „Katedra” w CK Zamek, Poznań (kwiecień 2015)
wystawa indywidualna w Galerii Wieża Ciśnień w Koninie (kwiecień 2015)
My text FLUMEN published in the catalogue of „Wobec Wody” festival, Poznań, Poland
(Oct 2024)
Works from the Riverbeds series at a group show „Warta. Ćwiczenia z Wyobraźni”, Galeria Śluza, Poznań, PL, curated by Michał Kępski
(Oct 2024- Feb 2025)
A Beast of no Burden a solo show at
Chiang Mai City Arts and Cultural Centre, Chiang Mai, Thailand
(Oct 2024)
Riverbeds a solo outdoor presentation, Przystań Sztuki, Concordia Design, Poznań, PL
(July-Sept 2024)
Riverbeds_Forces of Flow a solo show in BWA SIC! Wroclaw, PL
Curated by Tuce Erel
(28th June-25th August 2024)
Curator guided tour:
Talking about my art practice with Kamila Kobierzyńska for Poznań Art Week
Riverbeds_working River at a group show „Te wszystkie rozczulenia”, Galeria Centrala, Poznań , PL
during Poznań Art Week
with Aneta Grzeszykowska, Ewa Kulesza, Kamila Kobierzyńska, Anna Orłowska, curated by Kamila Kobierzyńska
(April-May 2024)
Auf dieser Insel gibt es keinen Wind
presented in the Polish Institute in Berlin
(Dec 2023-Jan 2024)
the Riverbeds_working River
presented at the Taboo-Transgression-Transcendence in Art & Science 2023 conference in Malta, organized by the Ionian University, hosted by the Malta Society of Arts
(Sept 2023)
the Riverbeds_working River
in CSW Łaźnia, Gdańsk, Poland (3 Feb – 7th April 2023)
Artist in residence
with Apollonia European Art Exchanges, the city of Strasbourg and CSW Łaźnia, Strasbourg, France (October-December 2022)
Plantae Malum & Repository of Life
presented at FEMeeting conference, Evora, Portugal (12th-17th Sept 2022)
Herbarium from the Edge (from the Riverbeds series)
group show, Bandung Photography Triennale, Indonesia (8th Sept till 8th Dec)
Plantae Malum
group show, Galeria Szewska 16, Poznań, PL (6th till 29th April 2022)
Plantae Malum
solo show, Krupa Gallery, Wrocław, PL (25th March till 6th May 2022)
Plantae Malum
solo show, Galeria PF, Centrum Kultury ZAMEK, Poznań, PL (6th Nov till 9th Jan 2022)
Kwiaciarnia/ The Florist
a two-day residency & exhibition preceded by research, presented during Malta festival, Poznań, PL (June 2021)
supported by the Scholarship of the Marshal of the Wielkopolska Region in the field of culture for 2021
A Beast of No Burden
in Selasar Sunaryo Art Space in Indonesia during an international photography festival Bandung Photo Showcase (Jan 2021)
Hætta – on the edge of a disaster
presented during an international conference Taboo-Transgression-Transcendence in Art&Science 2020 organized by University of Applied Arts Vienna and Ionian University, Corfu, Greece (Nov 2020)
A Beast of No Burden
presented during the „Invasion of the Lens: Culture Resistance and Aesthetics” show in Soemardia Gallery during an international photography festival Bandung Photo Showcase, Indonesia (Nov 2020)
A Beast of No Burden
presented in the „I’ll be your image” show during an international photography festival TIFF, Wroclaw, Poland (Sept 2020)
Artist in residence
with NeNa Contemporary Artspace in Chiang Mai, Thailand (Nov 2019-March 2020)
„A beautiful catastrophe. An aesthetic catharsis.”
during „The phenomenon of suffering” conference, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan, Poland (Dec 2018)
Artist in residence
with Extantaion in Chiang Mai, Thailand (Oct 2018)
Artist in residence
with The Unifiedfield / el campo unificado in Castillo de Castellar de la Frontera, Spain (Nov 2017)
Earthworks (III)
presented at „lAbiRynt” festival in Frankfurt (Oder), Germany (Oct 2017)
„Sacrum intolerandus: Colonial Transgressions”
published in: TABOO ‒ TRANSGRESSION ‒ TRANSCENDENCE, in Art & Science; Proceedings of Interdisciplinary Conference Ionian University | Department of Audio and Visual Arts (2017) (pages: 497-521)
White Phantom Isles
presented at CONTROL-EXPERIMENT exhibition (curated by Dehlia Hannah) during CONTROL conference organized by the European Society for Science, Literature and the Arts, Stockholm, Sweden (June 2016)
Sacrum Intolerandus
presented during CONTROL international conference organized by the European Society for Science, Literature and the Arts, Stockholm, Sweden (June 2016)
Earthworks and Black Phantom Isles
awarded an Honorary Mention at EMBARRAT – Festival of Contemporary Creation, Tarrega, Spain, (May 2016)
Sacrum Intolerandus. Colonial transgressions.
presentation at TABOO – TRANSGRESSION – TRANSCENDENCE in Art & Science conference, Ionian University, Corfu, Greece, (May 2016)
Sacrum Intolerandus
presented during an international conference STRATA : Art & Science collaborations in the Anthropocene, organized by Aberystwyth University, Wales, UK (Jan 2016)
Sacrum Intolerandus
individual show in CK Zamek, Poznan, Poland (June 2015)
Absent Images
during „Catherdal” exhibition in CK Zamek, Poznan, Poland (April 2015)
The Observatory
individual show in Wieża Ciśnień Gallery, Konin, Poland (April 2015)
My text FLUMEN published in the catalogue of „Wobec Wody” festival, Poznań, Poland
(Oct 2024)
Works from the Riverbeds series at a group show „Warta. Ćwiczenia z Wyobraźni”, Galeria Śluza, Poznań, PL, curated by Michał Kępski
(Oct 2024- Feb 2025)
A Beast of no Burden a solo show at
Chiang Mai City Arts and Cultural Centre, Chiang Mai, Thailand
(Oct 2024)
Riverbeds a solo outdoor presentation, Przystań Sztuki, Concordia Design, Poznań, PL
(July-Sept 2024)
Riverbeds_Forces of Flow a solo show in BWA SIC! Wroclaw, PL
Curated by Tuce Erel
(28th June-25th August 2024)
Curator guided tour:
Talking about my art practice with Kamila Kobierzyńska for Poznań Art Week
Riverbeds_working River at a group show „Te wszystkie rozczulenia”, Galeria Centrala, Poznań , PL
during Poznań Art Week
with Aneta Grzeszykowska, Ewa Kulesza, Kamila Kobierzyńska, Anna Orłowska, curated by Kamila Kobierzyńska
(April-May 2024)
Auf dieser Insel gibt es keinen Wind
presented in the Polish Institute in Berlin
(Dec 2023-Jan 2024)
the Riverbeds_working River
presented at the Taboo-Transgression-Transcendence in Art & Science 2023 conference in Malta, organized by the Ionian University, hosted by the Malta Society of Arts
(Sept 2023)
the Riverbeds_working River
in CSW Łaźnia, Gdańsk, Poland (3 Feb – 7th April 2023)
Artist in residence
with Apollonia European Art Exchanges, the city of Strasbourg and CSW Łaźnia, Strasbourg, France (October-December 2022)
Plantae Malum & Repository of Life
presented at FEMeeting conference, Evora, Portugal (12th-17th Sept 2022)
Herbarium from the Edge (from the Riverbeds series)
group show, Bandung Photography Triennale, Indonesia (8th Sept till 8th Dec)
Plantae Malum
group show, Galeria Szewska 16, Poznań, PL (6th till 29th April 2022)
Plantae Malum
solo show, Krupa Gallery, Wrocław, PL (25th March till 6th May 2022)
Plantae Malum
solo show, Galeria PF, Centrum Kultury ZAMEK, Poznań, PL (6th Nov till 9th Jan 2022)
Kwiaciarnia/ The Florist
a two-day residency & exhibition preceded by research, presented during Malta festival, Poznań, PL (June 2021)
supported by the Scholarship of the Marshal of the Wielkopolska Region in the field of culture for 2021
A Beast of No Burden
in Selasar Sunaryo Art Space in Indonesia during an international photography festival Bandung Photo Showcase (Jan 2021)
Hætta – on the edge of a disaster
presented during an international conference Taboo-Transgression-Transcendence in Art&Science 2020 organized by University of Applied Arts Vienna and Ionian University, Corfu, Greece (Nov 2020)
A Beast of No Burden
presented during the „Invasion of the Lens: Culture Resistance and Aesthetics” show in Soemardia Gallery during an international photography festival Bandung Photo Showcase, Indonesia (Nov 2020)
A Beast of No Burden
presented in the „I’ll be your image” show during an international photography festival TIFF, Wroclaw, Poland (Sept 2020)
Artist in residence
with NeNa Contemporary Artspace in Chiang Mai, Thailand (Nov 2019-March 2020)
„A beautiful catastrophe. An aesthetic catharsis.”
during „The phenomenon of suffering” conference, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan, Poland (Dec 2018)
Artist in residence
with Extantaion in Chiang Mai, Thailand (Oct 2018)
Artist in residence
with The Unifiedfield / el campo unificado in Castillo de Castellar de la Frontera, Spain (Nov 2017)
Earthworks (III)
presented at „lAbiRynt” festival in Frankfurt (Oder), Germany (Oct 2017)
„Sacrum intolerandus: Colonial Transgressions”
published in: TABOO ‒ TRANSGRESSION ‒ TRANSCENDENCE, in Art & Science; Proceedings of Interdisciplinary Conference Ionian University | Department of Audio and Visual Arts (2017) (pages: 497-521)
White Phantom Isles
presented at CONTROL-EXPERIMENT exhibition (curated by Dehlia Hannah) during CONTROL conference organized by the European Society for Science, Literature and the Arts, Stockholm, Sweden (June 2016)
Sacrum Intolerandus
presented during CONTROL international conference organized by the European Society for Science, Literature and the Arts, Stockholm, Sweden (June 2016)
Earthworks and Black Phantom Isles
awarded an Honorary Mention at EMBARRAT – Festival of Contemporary Creation, Tarrega, Spain, (May 2016)
Sacrum Intolerandus. Colonial transgressions.
presentation at TABOO – TRANSGRESSION – TRANSCENDENCE in Art & Science conference, Ionian University, Corfu, Greece, (May 2016)
Sacrum Intolerandus
presented during an international conference STRATA : Art & Science collaborations in the Anthropocene, organized by Aberystwyth University, Wales, UK (Jan 2016)
Sacrum Intolerandus
individual show in CK Zamek, Poznan, Poland (June 2015)
Absent Images
during „Catherdal” exhibition in CK Zamek, Poznan, Poland (April 2015)
The Observatory
individual show in Wieża Ciśnień Gallery, Konin, Poland (April 2015)